Flame Safeguard / Combustion Theory

8:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT
30261 Stephenson Hwy, Madison Heights, MI 48071
Pat Ziemba Classroom
(248) 591-3560
22 seats remaining

Course Overivew:

This class consists of a one-day session covering applications and troubleshooting. Topics covered include: Flame Sensors, Primary Controls, and Programming Controls.

Flame Safeguard Overview:

  • Flame sensing flame rod, thermocouple, thermopile, UV and IR scanners, self check and intelligent scanners from Fireye and Honeywell
  • Primary no purge and purge flame safeguard controls Honeywell and Fireye (Models Fireye M series, Micro M, Honeywell RM7890 and RM7895 controls)
  • Programming flame safeguard controls including: valve closure, low and high fire proving (Models Fireye E110 Series, Honeywell RM7840 series)
  • New Honeywell valve proving systems (VPS)
  • New Fireye Burner Logix flame safeguard control

Combustion Analysis Overview:

  • General Combustion theory including chemical composition
  • CO2 and carbon monoxide (CO) creation and levels
  • Combustion efficiency
  • Nitrogen Oxides ( NOX) and Sulfur Dioxide ( SO2 ) formation
  • Draft and burner design
  • Combustion analyzer operation and principles

Prerequisites: None

Target Audience: This class is geared towards service technicians who test and tune burners for combustion efficiency. Topics covered include: Theory of Combustion, Tuning Fuel Air Ratio, Testing and Design.