Prolon 2-day Training - Installation & Set-Up

30 - 1, 2025
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST
14 South Superior Street, Toledo, OH 43604
(419) 243-1711
8 seats remaining

Course Overview:

This 2-Day training focuses on the physical installation of a Prolon system, with considerable emphasis on wiring and networking concepts. Students will also learn all the tools at their disposal, such as creating a Cloud account, learning different connection methods, and the basics for setting up a Prolon system. This course also covers the most common applications. Attendees will be provided with training kits (see details below), which will permit them to wire, connect and configure controllers.


Attendees must come with a laptop running Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10, or 11 and have full administrator access (driver updates and software installation will likely be required during the class). The laptop must have at least 1 USB A Connector and 1 Ethernet port available (external dongle is fine). Chromebooks do not work.

Target Audience:

  • Mechanical/HVAC Contractors
  • Service Managers
  • Installation Technicians
  • Project Managers