VYKONPro Niagara Enterprise Training
Course Overview:
Niagara TCP certified programmers can learn the latest Niagara 4 features and best practices during the VYKONPro training course. This comprehensive 5-day program enhances the programmer's knowledge and helps them streamline engineering processes.
Course Objectives:
- Cyber Security and Application Hardening
- Data Modeling Basics
- Utilizing NEQL and Search Tools
- Advanced Data Modeling using Haystack
- Designing Responsive Graphics
- LDAP/AD Integration for User Management
- SSO with SAML and Client Certificates
- Deploying Devices Using Templates
- Tag based Px bindings
- Utilizing MQTT for IoT Projects
- JSON Toolkit
- Bulk Deployment of Templates Using Spreadsheets and Niagara Supervisor Provisioning Tools
- Configuring and Using the System Database for Enterprise Applications
- Developing Enterprise Wide Hierarchies
- Web Server Configuration for QoS and DoS
- HTTP Header and Host Header Validation
- Compiling Program Objects.
- Advanced Web Chart Functionality
- Niagara Analytics
Target Audience: This class is designed for Niagara 4 Certified systems integrators, engineers, and controls technicians
Prerequisites: Each student must be Niagara 4 Certified and have a laptop running at a minimum Vykon WorkPlace Version 4.11U1.
Class Logistics Notes:
Please note that the training will still take place from 8:00-5:00 pm Monday through Friday EST. Breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions please put it in your registration form.